How to use exit disguise diamond casino heist

How to use exit disguise diamond casino heist

How to use exit disguise diamond casino heist

To avoid detection and complete the Diamond Casino Heist successfully, changing your disguise before exiting the casino is crucial. As you approach the exit, look for a discreet area with no nearby guards; bathrooms, maintenance closets, or secluded corners are ideal. Once in a safe spot, enter the Interaction Menu and select "Style" to change your outfit.

If you're unable to find a private changing spot, be mindful of nearby guards' cone of vision. Wait for them to turn away or become distracted before making your move. Equipping the "Silent Approach" mask can reduce the risk of detection, allowing you to change your outfit more discreetly.

Discreet Ways to Exfiltrate

Discreet Ways to Exfiltrate

Once you've secured the loot, it's time to make a clean getaway.

Go underground: Use the tunnels below the casino to avoid detection.

Disguise as staff: Blend in with the casino staff to slip out unnoticed.

Use a decoy: Leave an empty vault bag or plant a distraction to draw attention away from your exit.

Quick Escapes

Quick Escapes

Escape the Diamond Casino quickly by using a getaway vehicle conveniently located near the exit points.

Avoiding Detection

Stick to the designated escape routes: Don't attempt to leave through unmarked gates or backdoors as they are likely to be guarded.

Be mindful of escape timers: Pay attention to the countdown timer to avoid being spotted or captured by security forces.

Maintain cover and concealment: Utilize obstacles, props, and vegetation to obscure your movements and prevent guards from spotting you.

Use disguises effectively: Wear the appropriate disguise for the area you're exiting and be cautious when removing it to avoid detection.

Avoid excessive noise and gunfire: Engage in stealthy tactics and only resort to gunfire when absolutely necessary.

Stay vigilant for guards: Keep an eye out for patrolling guards and adjust your movements accordingly to avoid being seen.

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